for RedJak's Automated Monster Variant
and Descent: Journeys in the Dark - Second Edition

version 0.6 (beta)


Select Components

Expansions & Hero and Monster collections
Selecting these components adds Quests, Lieutenants, Monsters and Conditions included in the expansion available for the play.
Agents can be selected to add them in to play.
(Recommendation: No Zachareth for the Shadow Rune or Eliza Farrow for the Heirs of Blood)
Dark Influence
Select Dark Influence cards you want included in the play.
(Recommendation: At least select the core lieutenants)
All selections are saved automatically.

Begin Encounter / Quest

1. Play the Traveling phase.
2. Select the Quest by typing its name in the "Quest name" input.
3. Set the Players count and the amount of Dark Intervention cards in the Event deck.
4. Select Quick Start to start with randomized monsters or Customize to change monsters to your liking.


Saving Quest settings saves these values:
- Players count
- Dark Intervention cards count
- Load Global Dark Influence
- HOB Disabled lieutenant

Select Components

*Expansion does not have the Quests implemented.
Hero and Monster collections
Dark Influence

Quest Setup